Showing 1–48 of 133 results
2.2kg Hand Made Corned Beef & Potato Pie
2.2kg Hand Made Corned Beef & Potato Pie
£35.50 -
2.4kg Hand Made Classic Beef Lasagne
2.4kg Hand Made Classic Beef Lasagne
£39.99 -
2.4kg Hand Made Classic Vegetable Lasagne
£35.50 -
400g Cheese & Onion Quiche
400g Quiche Lorraine
6 Piece Classic Beef Hot Eating Pie Collection
£34.95 -
6 Piece Speciality Pork Pie Collection
£31.50 -
6 x Turkey, Sausage, Bacon & Cranberry Hot Pie
£39.50 -
8 Piece Classic Yorkshire Pasty Bundle
£34.95 -
8 Piece Individual Quiche Collection
£29.99 -
Apple & Cranberry Sausage Roll
Apricot & Poultry Large Speciality Cutting Pork Pie 2.7kg
£62.55 -
Apricot & Poultry Speciality Cutting Pork Pie 1.1kg
£38.35 -
Apricot & Poultry Speciality Cutting Pork Pie 1.1kg
Apricot & Poultry Speciality Cutting Pork Pie 2.7kg
Artisan Chicken, Ham & Leek Pie
Artisan Chicken, Ham & Leek Pie
£6.50 -
Artisan Steak & Blonde Ale Pie
Artisan Steak Pie 260g
£6.50 -
Artisan Steak Pie 260g
Award Winning Oblong Quiche Lorraine 1.3kg
Award Winning Oblong Quiche Lorraine 1.3kg
£39.99 -
Award Winning Quiche Lorraine 190g
British Classic Steak & Mince Beef Pie Collection
£43.99 -
Broccoli & Stilton Quiche
Cheese & Onion Pasty
Chicken & Ham Large Speciality Cutting Pork Pie 2.2kg
£46.55 -
Chicken & Ham Speciality Cutting Pork Pie 2.2kg
Chicken Bhaji Pasty
Chicken Masala Slice
Chicken, Bacon & Leek Pasty
Chilli Speciality Cutting Pork Pie 1.1kg
£26.50 -
Chilli Speciality Cutting Pork Pie 920g
Chilli Speciality Pork Pie 200g
£6.50 -
Christmas Pork Pie 450g
Christmas Turkey, Sausage, Bacon & Cranberry Pie
Classic Mince & Onion Pie 220g
Classic Pasty Ridged Back 230g
Classic Steak & Kidney Pie 220g
Classic Steak Pie 220g
Cranberry Topped Pork Pie
£6.50 -
Design Your Own 6 Piece Pork Pie Collection
£37.45 -
Dinky Caramelised Red Onion Pork Pie 120g
Dinky Cheese & Onion Quiche 110g
Dinky Cranberry Topped Pork Pie 120g
Dinky Quiche Lorraine 110g
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